For years I have wanted to blog. I start each day by combing
through my favorite fashion, lifestyle, design, and academic blogs. While I
never judge others for blogging, I always felt it would be a bit self-absorbed
to start my own blog. But then again aren’t we all a little self-admiring these
days? We live in a society where we are constantly fashioning our identities
via social media. What’s the difference between posting on instagram and
So this is it, I am taking the plunge! But what will I write
about? As a budding Italian historian, it is only fitting that I share my two
loves (and Italy’s greatest legacies)—history and fashion. I am a PhD student
who spends her semesters teaching and studying (and shopping) in Florida, and her summers
researching (and shopping) in Florence, Italy.
The world of academia can be dismissive of women who embrace
fashion and femininity. But it’s 2013, and I hope to prove you don’t have to
dress dull or like a man to be taken seriously. I refuse to sacrifice my style
or my academic legitimacy. Who says you can’t be stylish and studious?
Well, that’s my mission, to share my stylish journey through
academia—equal parts fashion, travel, and higher education! (Fair warning, I
love exclamation points!)